Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Saturday, December 15, 2018


Here is a midnight thought just for you because I know you put your phone on do-not-disturb. It will be your wake-up thought.
I asked all my students what they would say if they could speak once into the minds of every person on earth, Babel-fish enabled. A few had uplifting things to say. One or two broke their mixtape or their insta.

One said something that makes me ashamed I didn't think of it.
If they could whisper anything into the heads of the globe, they would say "The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell."
I could have cancelled class. They have nothing to learn from me.

[Call your mom. I know I should.]

Monday, December 10, 2018


Cold air keeps all things:
Life, light, water, air, smog,
Close upon the ground.

[And if (on a cold morning) you look toward the sea, down into the valley, you can see the thin layers of each, trapped tight against each other by the dominance of the mountains.]