Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Sunday, October 16, 2011


She's right there. I'm glad I can't see how bright her smile is, or how lithe her arms are, or how dark her eyes are. All I can see is the back of her head. If I could see her ear through her hair, I'd be done for.


  1. Aww, Robby. I'm sorry. I don't understand how she . . . nevermind.

    I'm leaving that incomplete thought for some reason, I guess.

  2. How?

    I don't think I understand what you mean.

  3. You weren't supposed to, really, but I'll explain anyway because Spock in "Amok Time."

    Every time I read something like this that you have written, I find myself struggling with renewed bafflement that any girl could know you and not want to be with you. Also, perhaps wisdom is in deleting this conversation and forgetting it ever happened? But that's completely up to you.

  4. Entirely possible.

    But I hate deleting things. So I'll leave it and read it next year and think "huh, ok."
