Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Monday, March 19, 2012


Hull breach? Shut up. We're still floating, aren't we? Put the nose into the wind and see if our cannon will send them down before they send us.


  1. Winning!

    No, really. Winning is an interesting theme with you. Especially considering the whole . . . "How much is winning worth?" question. Do the ends justify the means? Is a Pyrrhic victory worthwhile?

    Is the timing of the victory of primary concern? Is a retreat that saves an army counted as a loss or as a strategy?

    What kind of winning is worth losing everything?

    These are only some of the things (admittedly, just aspects of one thing) your two lines and a word make me think.

  2. I deem this to be very heroic. Also, very carpe diem. (By that, I mean, "die on our feet and not our knees".) But still, something in it rings true.

  3. As for victory? That and sex are pretty much all humans ever think about.
    Timing isn't important. Win every time and you'll never worry about loss.
    What kind of winning is worth losing everything? Obviously dependent on your worldview. For me? Getting to heaven.

    Heroic? Carpe diem? I suppose so. But what if it weren't? What if it's a big guy crushing a tiny opposing force? What if it's the establishment crushing the naysayers? What if it's an ethnic cleansing? If so, why didn't I portray it that way? Hm.

  4. Well, it feels carpe diem, even if it weren't. As for the other scenarios, well, those happen, too, in this world. We'd much rather have heroes, I think. That's hopeful, anyway.

  5. Heroes do exist, you know. I think they think about those things. Not all the time or anything, but . . . enough.
