Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Thursday, August 30, 2012


"Kiss me and poison my dreams. Shy away and poison my life. I don't even drink coffee, so stop inviting me to."

He sent that text to me last night at three am. Either he was drunk, or he really loves me. Now, I have two options, neither good. I respond, like a good person, who has nothing to prove, or I ignore the text with so much force that it ceases to exist on this plane of existence.

I threw my phone into the lake because I love him too.


  1. *Gigglesnort.*

    Literally. That's the first thing I did upon reading this.

    Funny, someone once told me that people tend to be more honest when drunk. I don't know whether that's true, but it makes reading this more interesting.

    Sorry. You know, most coffee places also serve tea.

  2. Maybe he doesn't like hot drinks at all.
