Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Somewhere in the past, a man took a shine to a woman. She fancied him. Fireworks.
Nine months later, humanity got its first friend and greatest enemy: me.

I'm only human. Watch me tear through this cardboard box like it's only paper. Watch me stop this car by force of brakes alone. Watch me build a city out of Lego and step on it in the night. I am dangerous. I am to be feared. I am death.
I'm only human.


  1. Oh, dear. This feels like an echo of a conversation we had not too long ago.

    If it is, I'm sorry.

    Neither you nor this character is humanity's greatest enemy. This guy sounds a bit like a danger to himself, maybe, but nothing serious.

    You're a good man, you know.

  2. Thanks, I guess. Not sure I agree.

    The post is more about self-importance.

  3. Haha of course not.

    However, I find that my own self-importance is best combated with the truth that I am both better and worse than I think I am.
