Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Monday, December 24, 2012


Somewhere, my wife's other shoe drops, but I'm too busy with your tongue in my mouth to hear.

(He tried to hang the chalkboard, but, being a bit dim, forgot brackets. For the rest of my life, the saddest sight I've ever seen will be nails on a blackboard.)

The wind blew her socks off the bed when the door flew open.


  1. Interesting idea, making nails on a chalkboard a visual instead of a sound.

    This is incredibly depressing, and also it makes me think of wet willies.

  2. Well, yes, of course, but why repurposed like this?

  3. Because the first and then a pattern developed. I deleted one in the series.

  4. One that didn't feel right in the pattern. Something like ramrod straight that just didn't work.

  5. This is very good. I also hate it. :)
