Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


If it wasn't her hair, it was certainly the color of her soul. He didn't know what that meant, but he said it to her and she chose to believe it. After they fell apart she repeated it to herself like a mantra until it was how she introduced herself to men she liked.
"If it's not my hair, it's the color of my soul."
It worked a surprising amount of the time.


  1. Well, the words, "the color of her soul" sound beautiful.

    But overall, this is just depressing.

  2. It could be optimistic. I wrote it that way. But that doesn't fit my website, so your reading is fair.

  3. Wait what? How is it optimistic? I don't see optimistic except in the flavor of the words. Their meaning . . . well, they fell apart either because of or in spite of the color of her soul, and she hasn't had a solid relationship since.

  4. Nope. I guess being clear has advantages. I mean that's how he picked her up. And then ages later they fell apart, and that's how she keeps her ego intact.
    I guess that wasn't clear at all.
