Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Monday, August 15, 2011


[I have been avoiding blogging as if I'm afraid that someone will understand what I'm saying. I need to stop that. Anyway, time for more famous people. I really have to do Franz Joseph sometime.]

I still trust her.
Sadly, she doesn't trust me.

How is that fair? I've only messed up once. Once! And I gave fair warning before, too. And she decides I'm not worth having. I'm not worth her time. I'm not for cherishing or holding or wanting anymore. One mistake. And yet here I sit, trusting her because I don't know any other way.
She asked me for the truth. I trust her. You know what? I do trust her. I do. For once, I think I'll give her the truth. Because there's no way she would use it against me.

She wouldn't cut me down.
I know.



  1. Hmm. So many famous people in ridiculous relationships.

  2. I KNOW, RIGHT? And we never really think about them as relating to US because these people are long dead. But seriously, everybody's thought roughly the same questions. AND YET we still think we're the ONLY ONES who have ever felt so in love/alone/pained/happy what have you.

    I think it would do more people more good to read more books. I'm just sayin'.

  3. I think you're right. Today my sister was all like, "I really felt like Elizabeth Bennet when . . . " and I knew exactly what she meant.

    And then I was all like, "He reminds me of Fitzwilliam Darcy with the mistaken idea that 'Pride, when there is true superiority of mind, will always be under good regulation.'"

    You're, like, welcome. :-S

    The saddest part of my Alaska adventure thing was the fact that no one else there read much (except for the girl reading angsty romance novels).

  4. Oh, I'm sorry. Even my adventure to Austria had Brooke along to talk plays with. She's a bit more animated about plays than I am. She's a bit more animated about everything than I am. Except rock music and women. I'm more interested in that.

  5. I always thought Brooke was a Disney character . . .
