Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Sunday, December 14, 2014

My Acolyte Journey: 2014.31

Haim. Or should I say the Haim sisters, since there appear to be new ones every time I turn around. Now, not that I know anything at all about them, but Gary Pay seems to like them, and he likes the Strokes, so that's good enough for me. For now.
Lyrics boring. Repetitive. Nothing to prove from the outset. Is this a breakup song?
Remember me? Remember love? Remember trying to stay together?
And yet, it's not a breakup song because she's still trying to get his attention? And yet it is, because they're going to, but they haven't yet. Essentially, what I feel from this song is exhaustion. She feels stuck in this relationship because she loves him, but she doesn't feel passionate about him anymore. She's willing to "figure it out" and restart, but (perhaps fatalistically) she's aware that if he doesn't try with her, there's no point.
Forever I try to make it right Together we suck, end in sight I'm tired of fighting the good fight If you say the word then I'll say goodbye
So it's not a breakup song and it's not a relationship song. It's just a complaint. It's the point Curtis and Brooke were at when they broke up. No passionate love or hate. Just . . . forever. I hope the music video isn't as interminable as the lyrics.
It isn't? But it's too jumbled. I get some Mumford and Sons, some Lana Del Rey, a hit or two of Rumspringa or Black Keys. The video says "We wrote a hella catchy song and we're enjoying ourselves. There's no overture at connection. It's like a concert video, but instead of unrelated shots of concerts, we're seeing unrelated shots of a girl getting her hair did for a quincinera Iknowit'smisspelled or prom and dudes tricking on bikes. It doesn't even set the aesthetic for the piece--of interminability. I would have honestly preferred a slow pan from an extremely wide shot of a couple just eating a meal, entirely silent. Or a couple riding in a car through Death Valley and they never say anything to each other. Or time-lapse photography of decaying plants intercut with the Haim sisters. There are three free ideas, Haims. Don't do them all at once again.
I might look more into Haim. Their sound is fun and punchy. But this song hasn't grown on me enough to slay me yet. We'll see if--
I wouldn't buy this.


  1. "You tried to bring yourself up without involving me" stuck out to me.

    I get why you interpreted this as a ... uh, couple song? 'Cause most of them are, and stuff, and it's definitely a supportable reading. But maybe it's just that that's never gonna work for me or that that's not something I can discuss here, but I read this more as a family song.

    Like ... family that's been separated for a while or absent parents or siblings with irreconcilable ideologies, and then they come back and try to be a family again, but it's harder than they thought it would be.

    Then again, that's probably more about me than about the song.

  2. Of course everything is automatically about couples unless specifically defined as such! LOL. No Janelle's response is a good example at how you can interpret songs in the way that it hits you. I could be going through something and then I hear a song that I connect with emotionally or even physically, but not necessarily with the specific subject matter on a face value level. However, this would be what some of my ninjas would call "reaching", but I don't care....

  3. I dunno.

    I mean, like ... denotation is probably more useful than connotation, objectively. But nobody in the world has enough knowledge to rely solely on denotation, and anyway humanity is creative, and ...

    (I get why certain people historically disliked haiku, but then again, I love the idea of being allowed/asked to create something of my own out of it. To work together with an artist rather than just passively accept and observe what he/she has done.)

    ((Then again, if every song means completely different things to each person because each person built something different out of it, can we ever find common ground? Does that constitute a failure of communication?))

    (((How could Vulcans claim to value IDIC and yet be so closed to differences?)))

    ... and I am clearly overthinking this and going in directions the author never intended, as usual, and I can never quite decide whether that is okay.

  4. If it made you think, if it made you feel, then I'd say it served it's purpose. The only completely failed artwork is the artwork that makes you feel absolutely nothing IMHO. Some songs are quite ugly, but they made me understand things or feel an ugly emotion. And they were written for a reason. It just may not be easy listening. Take this one for example:

    1. Yeah, I'm really looking forward to the vuvuzelas.

    2. Orobund. Moribund. Reticular.
      I like this song.

    3. Vuvuzelas! Be sure to reference that for Robby when we get to that song

    4. I'm more curious about whether or not anyone else in the world will make the same connection I did.

      Probably not.

  5. I like thinking of the song as . . . not about sex. That's nice. I don't really know why I jumped to it? Probably the context of the forty.
    I listened to Fiona Apple. I liked it? But I wasn't actually LISTENING, I was doing stuff too.

    1. I can't remember you interpreting a song from a different perspective than that. I don't think. Not like I'm stalking you or anything.

      I don't think many people do, though.

    2. I guess I jump at the chance? But TBH most of the songs in the world are about love and I only make the connection to romantic love. They've done half the work for me.

      Perhaps I've been inculcated.

  6. Im surprised you both like the Fiona Apple since it's sound is quite ugly and on purpose. But that's good, because you get it, right? So all is not lost. I win.

  7. Not gonna lie, it's kinda stressful for me to listen to sometimes. But I've been inoculated to the ugliness by virtue of Korean karaoke.
