Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Sunday, April 10, 2011


The duck gave himself a shake and threw himself into the air.
The dog perked up his ears and stiffened to bark.
The deer froze to listen to the approaching rumble.

It was another cliche scene and then the same normal thing happened, just like you would expect.


  1. A DUCK!

    (Exactly! So . . . logically . . . )

    That's what happened, right? They caught the duck and weighed it and then let it go so it could quack "Aflac!" into the echoing canyon?

  2. I love your endings. I also like the visual of a duck throwing itself into the air and a dog stiffening to bark.

  3. Sadly, the ending came from Chris Dant. It was not my doing. He was just so disdainful of what I was doing that he just said it. I didn't feel that they were too cliche, other than the deer, but whatever. It was better than the route I was going, so I ran with it.

  4. Aww, well, I love how it all comes together.
