Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


In Xanadu did Khubla Khan a stately pleasure dome decree, and all his inspiration ran down to the sea. Completely lost for what to do, poor Khubla sat and cried. As an author, he was done when his poor muse had died.

[I keep writing things that I really like and I keep feeling like I'll never pass myself. Then I do. I don't think this is because I'm getting better, but I'm changing my tastes.]


  1. Awwwww.

    This is-- it fills me with "awww."

    Changing your tastes? Really? I always thought you were rather remarkably consistent. Refining them, maybe?

    Okay, so about Khubla Khan. This reminds me of *Star Trek* because first of all, it fits with Khan ("KHAAAANNN!"), and second of all, it brings to mind what Spock said in "Amok Time": "After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting."

    (For more on Khan:

  2. You are quite insistently a trekkie. Congrats.
    I don't feel consistent. I feel a little bit hollow as of late.

  3. You're right. Sorry.

    I have things to say about this, but later and probably not here. Suffice it to say that I know, and I'm sorry.
