Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Just as the sun wrapped tenuous coiling tendrils around the tips of the trees, I saw a young man in the half light. He approached a fence with easy gait, slung his bag over and then himself. He climbed with easy apprehension of his task; I believed he had climbed the same fence a hundred times.
I watched his decent into the leaves through the open gate thirty feet away.

[true story, y'all]


  1. Doing something because you can is sometimes a very fun thing to do. Not that I've often done that, but still.

  2. Decent.

    Sorry, anyway, I like the idea of the sun as ivy, and I like that the dude climbs the fence basically because it's there. It's a very Kirk thing to do.

  3. It's possible he didn't know about the gate? Anyhow, a marvelously YOUNG thing to do. Made me feel alive to see it.

  4. Aww that makes you sound so old and grizzled.

    I listened to a lovely audiobook that described how the old crave interaction with the young, and despite the fact that I'm quite sure you would not really enjoy it, I shall recommend it here: *No! I Don't Want to Join a Book Club,* by Virginia Ironside.

  5. The problem is that the young have to be tricked into spending time with the old, because they hate old people, on the whole.

  6. I can understand that, but it's sad. I have some wonderful friends who are quite old. And of course there's the Joel thing.
