Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Thursday, December 13, 2012


His days of weal run round the sun; his nights of woe are less so. I think you'll find that he, in kind, runs in the circle he can find.
And when his weal is run round again and I am left alone with him, we spin, revolve, return replies, until we're all fed up with lies, for truth, you see, returns us where we need to be: the center.


  1. Poetry, huh? I like the idea of running in circles. I mean, clearly, the speaker isn't terribly fond of circles, but I rather love them.

  2. Maybe it's a poem about futility. I don't personally know. I had no great burden to write. I just wanted the words out of my head.

  3. All that being said, I prefer to read it as a poem about being lost and finally being content, which are two separate problems, but the second can still solve the first.

  4. I like that interpretation when I don't connect it with satisfaction with mediocrity and unfulfillnebt.
