Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Thursday, April 1, 2010


I know it's the first. I'm still stuck in the 31st. Katy wrote this:

"Unforgeable day!"

What, pray tell, do you think this means?
I wrote this:

ell, "to ge" is obviously the root verb, which is the past tense of the verb "to go" but only when the individual likes men with hairy bums. The addition of the morphemes "Un" and "for" lead me to the belief that it isn't "ge" and that the person doesn't realize what a morpheme is and just threw in "for" to make it sound better. And the "able" brings us to the final meaning of "I can't go gay today."


  1. Hilarious morpheme discussion, but you do realize that "forge" could be the root, right? As in... "un-forge-able"?

  2. Janelle could possibly be right. This is why morphemes are fun and exasperating.

    Though, I did like the post. Nice one.
