Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Friday, April 9, 2010



Another moment in time saved forever. She's holding him, he's laughing and running away, she's got jelly in her hand and he's got jelly on his shirt.


Another moment in time preserved. She's talking on the phone to her friend about how he's never around. He's not around.


Another moment in time that the universe will never be rid of. She's yelling. He's yelling.


  1. Really well-done, but... Don't get all Dr. Manhattan on us, okay? Not ALL the time? We have more hope than he does.

  2. I only now realized the connection to Dr. Manhattan and the photograph. I was just thinking of how people get rid of all their old pictures after relationships, but film seems more permanent.
    Who knows, eh? Maybe I am Dr. Manhattan, I just haven't found my true potential.

  3. Ahhh, sad! Why do you do this to us, your faithful readers? Great idea though. I hate it when people rip up or burn their pictures after a relationship is over. Seems like such a waste.

  4. You're not Dr. Manhattan.

    Well... ripping up pictures gives some people closure. My sister does that. It always did seem like a waste to me.

    I have to say, though, I knew a guy who kept all his old stuff from girlfriends past when he got married, and it made his wife feel like he wasn't fully hers.

    So my question is, is it more of a waste to rip up pictures from a failed relationship or to hold on to them even when it means missing out on something that could be really great? Is it better to remember or to let go?

  5. Let go.
    Let go let go let go let go.

    I dwell on the past enough. The purging of old photos is just something to let at least my physical world move on and get past my experiences.

    The only time tearing up pictures with THEM in it is wrong is when there are other people too. Then it's unfair and stupid.

  6. Makes sense. It's not like you'll forget.
