Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Three-quarters of the way across the road, I halt.
I'm scared. Does the car barreling down on me have brakes? Does the driver see me? Would I even make it back if I turned now?

Frozen, I stand like a deer in the headlights, waiting for the inevitable sickly crunch.
It takes far too long, and when it comes, it doesn't sound as good as I'd hoped.


  1. I was once hit by a moped. It didn't happen like this.

    So the narrative voice here resigned himself to being hit by a car, or wanted to be hit? Why?

    He gives up too easily.

  2. Good word Janelle. If I knew that, I wouldn't have to write this.

  3. A little macabre, a little masochistic. Don't try this, please. I like you in one piece.

  4. If you knew what, now?

    I don't know. I suppose I could tell you the story. One night while touring in Bermuda, my sister and I were walking up a hill with our friends Ryan and Andrew because we were staying with families who lived close to each other and something something chivalry, I guess.

    My dad drove up on his moped and asked if we had anything we'd like him to take up with him, or if any of us wanted a ride. I had a bag of books (big surprise), and as I was strapping it in behind my sister, I was standing toward the road, my dad was standing to my left, and the boys were standing to my right.

    A moped came barreling down the hill with its lights off. I was in their pathway, and my escape was blocked. So I ran across to the other side of the street, but they swerved toward me, and I got spun into thorn bushes growing over a stone wall. The landing did more damage than the moped did, but I wasn't hurt very badly at all. I just really scared everybody else and didn't play as well at our concerts the next day.

    Why did I spend so much time telling the story? I don't know. I thought maybe it would help.

  5. Well, I like staying in one piece too. You know what's weird? Somebody told me the exact same thing? "I like you in one piece."

  6. Is that like a bathing suit? Because you'd look awkward in a bikini.
