Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Sunday, February 21, 2010


I'm so happy that everything I think of writing is happy too. I want to be depressing, but not be depressed. Is that so selfish?

He started ripping off the long strip of paper. Slowly and methodically, the fibers slowly separate from each other. His tear is perfectly straight and long and clean. The worst part is that he isn't even watching.
He lines up the ends and looks for the wider one. They're perfectly aligned. He doesn't care. He grabs the one that he feels is wider and ties it into an overhand knot. He pulls it tight and flattens it. He starts wrapping the strip around itself again
and again
and again
and again
and again
and he pulls it tight and flattens it again.
He pinches the sides of his pentagon and the paper roils and tents and crushes, fibers snapping and bending. He takes the fat little paper star and looks at it for a long moment.

He drops it into the bottle with the rest.
He starts working on the next star.


  1. That's amusing. I don't think I've ever seen you so happy. It's nice. Keep it up.

    Adorable, and making stars is fun!

  2. Sheesh. I don't think I'm much happier. I was decently happy anyway.
    And this is about Josh Inglish. He makes stars.

  3. Haha that's great. Star-making sounds like fun! Glad you're so happy.

  4. Right. Still, there IS a noticeable difference. ^_^

  5. I tried to make stars once. It was super super super hard. I failed at it ten thousand amount.

  6. Double post goodness!
    And I'm slowly becoming happier and it's ticking me off. I want to be sullen AND twitterpated. I guess life doesn't work that way. Sullen is just more fun sometimes. I can write GREAT stories when I'm angry.

  7. Well, when you have a fight just run to your computer and start typing. Then post the results on here cause I'll want to read them.

  8. I read these comments and can't stop laughing. See what you have done.

  9. Ha. Well, I'll try, I guess.
    I get very malicious when I'm angry. I guess this is a WARNING to all future girlfriends I may have: I'm mean. And when I say that, you don't even know. Once I know you, I know exactly where to drive the knife. And the worst part is that I do it.
    I don't hold back.
    Ask Philip.
