Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Friday, February 5, 2010


He didn't have to understand it. Which is good, because he didn't.
He always attempted to explain it like this: "The movie Juno said that 'guys like him always like the weird chicks' or something like that. That's why. Stop asking me questions, I'm feeling persecuted."

He just called her "Hipster Girl" and let it be done. She was completely incompatible with him in every way: music, mentality, mhumor. (Shut up. If I can't kick my addiction to alliteration, then you'll have to deal with it) By all intents and purposes, he shouldn't be attracted to her. He shouldn't even look her direction again.

But he did. Maybe too much.


  1. I'm not gonna lie: this post deals with my strange fascination with a girl that I call "Hipster Girl." I really don't like her personality, because she's too bubbly and excited about all the wrong things.

    I don't know. Maybe I'm just weird, but I find her attractive because of her lavender leggings and her pink pea coat.

    Commiserate? No? Good. Leave me alone.

  2. Poor guy.

    When you do find the right girl, I'll tell her to find some lavender leggings, okay?

    On the other side of the equation, just don't forget that "hipsters ruin everything" according to some (awesomely funny) people.

    "music, mentality, mhumor": "bands, brains, badinage"

    See? You can keep the alliteration and still not make me squirm.

  3. Pink pea coats are a good choice for everyone. I vote yes.

  4. Shut up, Katy. Just because you know the backstory doesn't mean you can flaunt it in my face somehow and that doesn't make sense I should start writing at like, noon or something, don't you think? because writing alternately at 7:00 when I wake up or 1:00 when I go to bed (Both are AM, unfortunately) is just turning out to be a poor choice.

  5. Fine. Mhumor it is. Happy now? Oooh... backstory...

    No, I think it's good that you write when you're tired or distracted or slightly psychotic. It's so much more interesting that way.
