Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


It's a crowded room.
We're all seated, auditorium-style in a choir room full of singers. The director keeps running parts again and again until we're aching and sore with perfection.

I can people who don't know I'm looking. A bass to my right is texting his girlfriend three rows in front of him. She doesn't respond. A soprano on the opposite side of the room dances slightly with the music, swaying back and forth.

The director has the Tenors stand to sing. One girl turns around and glances up. her eyes lock on one man. I don't know who he is, but she does. Her eyes glow. She smiles. One look at her man gives her so much pride that it breaks out of her like a beam of light.
I feel ashamed, so I look away.

Does he know? Does he comprehend how lucky he is?