Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Whenever I see you, my brain releases a stream of dopamine that positively affects my mental state, tricking me into elation. If it weren't for the fear causing the concurrent stream of epinephrine that triggers my fight or flight response, I'd probably lose control and violate your personal space.

God, you're beautiful.


  1. Hmm, so maybe fear is a good thing. Does Kayla read your blog now? At least direct her to this post.


  2. Ha ha. I don't know if Kayla reads my blog. I guess I should tell her about it. I've forgotten. She sees the posts from the other one on fb.
    She'd like this one.

  3. My, your blog posts sure have changed in the past few weeks! I like it.

  4. GRAAAA I have not changed, gorramit!
    Fine, I have. But admitting it is just bad-feeling.

  5. Change is good sometimes. Stop asking who moved your cheese and just embrace it. A gold star awaits you if you get that reference.
