Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Sunday, December 19, 2010


October 16, 2005

Today, Molly turned 14.
That leaves me. I have to wait until March 4 to be normal, to be accepted, to be considered a part of the group. Until then, I am a freak and an outcast, too young for my grade.

I guess I'll deal with it by ignoring it.


  1. Brooke posted something like a diary entry from her past. It was inspired. I'ma try some and then possibly tomorrow if I get bored/unbusy I will continue Sherlock.

  2. Is it bad that I really, really want to wish bored/unbusy-ness upon you? I won't, because I'm nice, but . . . I may have my cat stare at an effigy of you until you feel burning in your soul.

    She has golden eyes. It's like staring into molten something.

    Also, I'm sorry for this experience. I know what it's like to be the youngest/the given negative "est" in most situations It's awful. >_<

    What about now?

  3. Now I'm the tallest, so people forget how young I am. Ashley Dunbar is the most recent to forget that. I guess that's the advantage to being tall.

    I have a dentist appointment at 1 tomorrow. I have to fix my mother's computer. I have to find out what I'm going to do with my future relationships. Only two of these things are going to happen tomorrow.

    Go ahead, guess.

  4. Ugh, try always being the oldest...

  5. --tehe!--

    I was the almost oldest and the shortest. I liked it. I had seniority and could hide in the most places.

    (Those were my only non-annoying "est"s.)

  6. Well, I guess it all depends on how you look at these things.

  7. Perspective! ^_^

    Your height's not really why people forget your age.

    I, too, have to fix my mother's computer, but I don't have to go to the dentist unless my mom forgets her lunch or something. She won't, though, because she never does. Good luck with the relationships thing . . .

    My sister loved being the oldest, but I guess I can see why that might be frustrating. My parents were always like, "You're the oldest! You're the responsible one!"

    Well, lucky you, Brooke! I was terrible at hiding-- mostly because I was terrible at being found.

  8. . . . Isn't that the point of hiding--not being found?

  9. Yes, but when you are found, you need to do it with good grace.

    And EVERYONE is found in hide-and-go seek eventually. At least, everyone is SUPPOSED to be.

  10. Sometimes I wasn't. (And they'd start the next round without me.)

  11. Yeah, that happened to me, too. Most of the time, I got bored wherever I was hiding and went to find a book to read. I was pretty bad at seeking, too, especially when people hid in a place with books.
