Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Friday, May 4, 2012


She smiles a lot.
I want her to care about me, but I've tried too hard. I've been too clever. I've said too much. I've played my hand.
Here's what I look like: bumbling idiot, always looking for a laugh, never good enough for a conversation. I'm the guy who will pull up his pants and waddle. I'm the guy who will eat ketchup in my applesauce for attention. I'm the guy who wears his tuxedo shirt under his tuxedo just for laughs.
She smiles a lot, but I'll never keep up this pace. I'll never manage to keep her laughing, so when I suddenly, stone-faced, ask her a serious question, she'll laugh again.

Then she'll shake her curls and act like I've told the best joke of all: the comedian turned inside out.


  1. Huh. This reminds me of someone I know.

  2. Good? I mean it's good to write believable things, I guess. But I don't know what I mean anymore.

  3. But maybe she does care about him. Maybe that's why she's smiling. And she's not a mind-reader; she probably doesn't know that he's trying to desperately to impress her of his rightness for her. Then again, I don't know. This is just what pops into my head when I read this.

  4. Haha, well, it's about the way guys act in general. I wouldn't know how girls act in general.

  5. Well, what's interesting to me is that girls, when they like guys, seem to do the same thing, always counterguessing and overthinking, etc., At least, that's what I do.

  6. Oh, some guys don't really do very much of it. They just try to figure out what the girl means, not what they're supposed to do.
