Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


I was so angry that my head hurt and my arms ached from straining against myself, trying to keep myself from strangling you to death. I was so worked up that I could feel my heartbeat in my fingertips and the sweat drip off my forehead. I was so hurt that I cried until my face felt puffy, all over a situation caused by you that I made up just so I would think it was true and I could forget that you ever existed.

Have you ever been such a good actor that you're able to fool yourself?
I warn against it. When you find yourself crying on the bathroom floor because the person you want to hate is a thousand miles away having a conversation with you in a state neither of you are in and it's all in your head, perhaps you should take a step back and reevaluate.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Robby, this breaks my heart.
    I guess maybe some of that is because I did this last summer, but I think most of it is that I wish you weren't able to capture it quite so well.
