Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


The dog's asleep on the floor next to me. He has been there since I entered the room. That's been hours since.
Mom's asleep on the couch behind me. Her leg was keeping her up.
The cat's awake on my lap. I would insult her to move.

The dog loves me, but he loves everybody.
Mom loves me, but she loves her whole family.
The cat loves me, and--ah, there it is. Singular love, reserved only for me.

The cat won't sit on dad's lap; he plays with her tail. She hates that. The cat won't sit on Phil's lap; he moves too much. She hates that. The cat won't sit on Katy's lap; she picks her up and swings her. She hates that. The cat won't sit on mom's lap; mom lays down. She hates that. Since I'm the only warm thing in the house with the patience and mindset to sit for two hours and pet an unruly beast, I have the love and adoration of the cat. In a room full of people, she seeks me out. Despite attention from all sides, she sits with me.

She sits on my lap.
She rubs my cereal bowl with her face.
She meowls when I whistle. I make sure to whistle when I can.
She loves me. Only me. Just me. No one else.

I swear I've never felt this before.

[This is a real cat. This is a real story. And now that I'm done typing this, I want to go to sleep. I have to move. The cat will hate me, if only for tonight.]


  1. Oh, Robby. I love this.
    Just plain adorable.

    I miss my cat.

    Also, being nitpicky, you know as well as I do that the difference between "lay" and "lie" is that "lay" requires an object (like "set"). Of course, past tense for "lie" is "lay," and what is that about, anyway?

  2. I love this as well.

    Cats are picky like that. :D At least, if cats were people, they'd be called picky.

  3. Thanks. The cat probably loves it as well.

  4. I love it, too! Cats (and their pickiness) are amusing. Feels special to be the object of their reserved love, though.
