Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Friday, September 14, 2012


I turn Face away from terror and join Arms with destiny, Legs running.
Can't I vent my Spleen somewhere without fear and doubt, let my Voice stretch up towards fate? Or am I condemned to crush Fists and Ribs in a never-ending dance?
Fly away, metaphor. You've gone too far.


  1. Yeah, this one doesn't make sense in the cool light of morning.

  2. It does make sense. I like how you used the common phrases people use to tell a story.

  3. If you were me, I'd tell you that you're obviously saying it's nonsense because it's actually something you believe, but you didn't want anyone to know.

    Of course, you aren't me, and would never do anything silly like that.
