Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


She writes vertically, like a chinaman, to make her letters slant the right way. Every line returns her to the pinnacle. Every sentence slumps toward oblivion.

Left handed.


  1. Yes, I have seen that when I was a reader in high school for the English and history teacher. I had to decipher everyone's handwriting. Got pretty good at it, though. I could figure out the disguised-handwriting warm fuzzies from the boys' dorm with decent accuracy.

    Still, this is also about hiding.

  2. My aunt is left-handed and has never written cursive as an adult.

  3. My grandma and uncle are both left-handed, and their cursive hands are better than mine.

  4. I'm right-handed and I write some weird mix of print and cursive. Ha! My teachers in fifth grade said we'd use cursive forever. They were wrong, but probably not on purpose.
