Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Monday, October 1, 2012


[The day doesn't turn over until I'm asleep. I wake up in two hours.]

Lonely, the monk trudges up snow-slammed ridges to come to his mountain home. Ascetic. Neophyte. Solitary. Dedicated. The poor monk, always a man. Never a woman. What woman chooses solitude for her spiritual and emotional healing, unless she's hiding in a crowd?


  1. Well, if today is any indication, I do.

    Then again, our conversation helped, too.

    I cannot help thinking of witches.

  2. Wait, you have to get up at four? Why? Is this normal?

  3. I wrote it at four. Time zones apparently don't work on the Internet and it's lyIng to you.

  4. Okay. Still, two hours' sleep sounds brutal. I hope your day is good, regardless. I hope you get sleep.

  5. Yes, and it's rather lonely hiding in the crowd. One learns to do it at a young age, and then it's difficult to stop.
