Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Sunday, January 10, 2010


I skipped on Sabbath (accidentally) so I'm just gonna do two right now. I hope that's how the rules work.

Dancing sideways, I avoided the splatter. The downpour from the broken gutter was erratic and rushed to the ground with all the control of a kamikaze pilot. I stepped back a bit further within the doorway and looked at the rain. It was despair rain - precipitation that depresses you, physically and mentally. The fat drops seemed quarter-sized, and they fell with violent intensity, battering the trees and grass outside. Gusts of wind barely seemed to move the giant drops from their pell-mell journey to the ground. This rain seemed determined to subjugate the earth below.

I stood and watched. Rain crushed the foliage. And yet, maybe it knew something I didn't. The rain was free, and I was trapped. The rain raged against the earth and I fumed inside. With each thudding drop, the downpour came closer to flattening the earth, driving all the dirt away in great torrents down to the sea, and where was I? Cooped up in a doorway, too afraid to go out but too stupid to go back in. Crushing rain pelted the earth and I--afraid to join it.


  1. I probably shouldn't admit that I know this, but you can schedule posts- even retroactively. It's useful, as I'm quite sure you already know. Also, excellent posts. You're keeping your "creativity" promise, methinks. Awesome word, "methinks."

  2. I do like "methinks." Methinks is fun times. Hm. . . I need to write twelve posts and just let them autoupdate, because I'm really bad about remembering. I almost forgot tonight as well.

  3. Precisely. I did that quite a bit last semester. ^-^ Again, I really like your second paragraph.
