Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Friday, January 15, 2010


A man reserves his true and deepest love not for the species of woman in whose company he finds himself electrified and enkindled, but for that one in whose company he may feel tenderly drowsy.
--George Jean Nathan

He hadn't let her know yet (you never ever let them know, that spoils the game). He saw her and sat down next to her (just far enough away to be polite, just close enough in to feel her elbow rubbing his). They talked about work. They locked eyes (she pulled away). He trailed off (when there's nothing to say, why say it?). She crossed her legs (and her foot put the tiniest pressure on his shin. His insides laced with fire. He couldn't move his leg or his eyes or his lungs or his self. Fire. Blood hissed in his ears. His hands grew slick. Eyes locked straight ahead, head wondering if she knows that she's touching him, heart pounding. Fire.) She glances at him (and life slows as she flicks her head away and hair washes past him, drowning him in perfume.)

Six months later: another woman, another foot touching another shin - fire.
High school.


  1. That quote at the top of the post made me laugh...mostly because I think it might be true. I love your last two sentences! Totally sums up everything.

  2. Fire, fire, fire, fire, fire.

    Also loved the quote, true or not.

  3. I got this soooo very badly with a girl I knew once. She sat next to me in math; we had dual-seat desks. Every once in a while, she'd cross her legs and touch my shin with her foot. It freaked me out.
    We eventually got really close and I asked her out, but she said no. So I guess it wasn't weird that I liked her (I was legit, not stalker) but she probably would have still been freaked out if she knew.

    It's a complex that I believe is due to Living in My Family. Katy has it too. If you touch her hair or her shoulder or her side or her knee, she freaks out, just not in a good way. Like, actual freakness. I freak out in an also not good way, like WOAH okay slow down libido, you're not supposed to be a train, be a water buffalo or a camel or something, have some brakes.

    And yes, it's fire.

  4. Water buffalo stampede. A lot.

    Just saying...
