Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Monday, January 18, 2010


Day 2 of makeup.

Dear Diary: I think you know about her already . . . I've certainly talked about her enough. But I just don't want to put it on paper. That makes it so final, so definite.
Oooooooooo tingly. But seriously, she's awesome, and beautiful and amazing and . . . I think I have to say it. I have to man up and say what I need to say. I like her. A lot. (Big surprise.) There, it's on paper, with pen, and I can't take it back. It's as if I wrote it using blood, straight from my heart. There's no taking that crap back. Maggie Maggie Maggie Maggie Maggie. I'm acting a little immature, here, and I really really need to stop if I'm going to take myself seriously.
How am I going to ask her out? CRUSHING DESPAIR this sucks I have no way to do it. I could ask "Hey, Maggie? I want you to be my girlfriend STUPID STUPID THAT IS STUPID. Ugh. Why does this have to be so hard? Okay, I've got to plan my phrasing. I've got to sound like I know what I'm doing. Wear a tux. I have to be like "Friday? You're free? Well, I suppose I can spend that time with you, but I'll have to do it after I play poker with my friend who is a spy." I wanna be James Bond so much. I can ask her . . .


  1. Is it bad that the name "Maggie" just makes me laugh. Somehow, it reminds me of "Fanny", which also makes me laugh.

    I never realized how awkward this is for guys. Yay for "manning up."

  2. Oh, man. It's so awkward for guys. I'd guess that the girl would be happy if the guy just came out and said it, but . . . It's hard to do that (if you're the particular type of guy that I know so well) because 1. you're not sure if she likes you 2. how well it will turn out if you ask 3. if you're asking in a cool way, because you don't want to be a poser: you want her to remember that you asked her out, you want it to be a story that she tells to her friends.

  3. Never have I been more thankful that all of that's on you guys and not on me. If I were a guy, I'd probably end up single.

    Oh wait... that's me anyway. Just call me "cat lady."

  4. Ouch. Just . . . get a Corgi puppy or a Betta fish or something. Try to avoid cats: they're just too maiming to your reputation.
    And sometimes girls avoid getting a man in college: don't worry. My sister is awesome and she doesn't have a man (probably because they were all scared away by Phil and I.)

  5. I would go for fish at the moment (dorm life isn't great for puppies, sadly), except for one small problem. Fish see me as the grim reaper. They take one look at me and start floating belly up-- or worse, committing suicide.

    I'm not too worried about it.

    (Also, some of the most annoying people I know are newly married women...)
