Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Sunday, February 14, 2010


(Just so you know: this was prompted by VD. I'm not gonna lie about it, but I really really want to.)

When I'm married, I will hold my wife's hand.

I see couples wandering aimlessly, holding hands and wrapping themselves around each other and getting a good taste of each other and generally focusing on the high life and the heat and the passion and the good times and the rock and roll. The one thing they all have in common is that they're not married. It's like marriage knocks the wind out of people. Why is that? Is it because they realize that they have the rest of their life to discover the person standing in front of them? Why would they put it off?
I hereby solemnly swear to hold my wife's hand in public. She may be mortified and grief-stricken that her husband would commit such a grievous breach of protocol (is there protocol like that? I haven't seen the handbook) but by gum I'm going to do it and see if I don't.
I don't want to look like the adults I've seen: like two people who just happen to be living together and caring for the same kids.
If I love her, the world's gonna know it. I will hold her hand.


  1. Awww. That's sweet. Yeah, I'm pretty sure you're going to be breaking protocol.

  2. That's adorable! You go and break protocol. I don't think your wife is going to mind one bit.

  3. I hope not. That's the idea, anyway.
    I'm a bit of a fool when I'm in love. Keep that on the downlow.

  4. I don't think it's possible to hide the foolishness of the whole love thing. Also, I just remembered something that made me laugh. When I initially read this, I thought "VD" stood for "venereal disease."

  5. Haha, I thought that too at first, Janelle.
