Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Monday, February 1, 2010


I'm tired of underlines in the dates. Periods are better.
Also: I couldn't sleep last night because I was in a romantic mood. I wrote down what I was thinking so that I could go to sleep. It didn't work. Here's some taste of what I wrote.

She was crying.
I have no idea how to deal with crying.

I sat down on the floor next to her and put my arm around her. I wracked my brain for something to say. But what can you say about that? There's only so much that a boyfriend can do to comfort.
She looked up at me and her eyes were puffy and red and her hair was frazzled. She was beautiful.

I suddenly realized that this was my window. It was now or never.
I had to say something amazing.

"If we were in a book, I would say the perfect thing to you, and we'd hold each other, and the woman reading the book would say "I wish my husband were like him" and we'd fall madly in love.
You make me want to be in a book. The truth is that I never know what to say."
And I guess that was good enough, because she hugged me closer.

Next time, I'm gonna write our story ahead of time so I know what to say.


  1. You? In a romantic mood? I'm shocked.

    I like how amazing the non-amazing thing is. Girls do like sappy.

    Best part of this post is the simplicity of "She was crying. I have no idea how to deal with crying."

    I'd say your foray into romantic writing went better than you think it did.

  2. I have more. I'm not gonna post it all at once, otherwise my "tough guy" reputation would be ruined. SO look for more in the future.

    I hate this stuff, but I could probably write a great rom-com if I wanted.

  3. You probably could, mostly because you hate the stuff and you don't let it get all flowery and ugh. Will be looking (and not solely because I'm required to).

  4. I'm totally with the guy. I have no idea how to deal with crying. Maybe I'll try his line the next time I'm in that kind of a situation.
