Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I walked across the spongy ground, covered with styrofoam leavings. I was trying to avoid the security guard on the other side of the cliff. Security guards are notorious for chasing you for no reason.

"Holy WHAT?" I said to myself. A Mclaren F150 sat across from me, shining yellow-ly in the parking lot. What was it doing behind this factory? I bounced over, grateful for the styrofoam on my bare feet. The logo on the front of the Mclaren had some powder on it (hopefully not styrofoam) so I scraped it off. To my surprise, it wasn't a Mclaren at all, but a Maca Maca. I don't even know what that brand of car is.
I heard snuffling behind me, and so I turned around. I saw a large, furry, black mass, peeing on a Bentley. I didn't want to stop to see why the Bently had a Ferrari logo on it. I just edged slowly away from the bear. The Maca Maca's door swung open. In my horror, I focused entirely on the stupidity of leaving your sportscar unlocked. Oh, right; bear. I edged away and then bolted across the street into the woods, where my friend lived in his duplex log cabin.

I banged on the door and watched with horror as the bear crossed the street, following me. My friend opened the door, and I bolted inside. Just then, one of the bear's three cubs followed me in. My friend asked calmly "What's going on?"
"A BEAR is following me, dude!"
"Holy crud!" he yelled, and opened the door to look. He saw the bear careening towards the cabin, and failed to see the other two cubs bustling busily into the cabin. He slammed the door.
"Hey, I have an idea!" I said. Let's rub these cubs on ourselves to try to smell less like humans!

We did it, but I have no idea whether or not the bear was still attacking us. I woke up.


  1. Hahaha hehe... well, you know what laughter sounds like. Trust me, no good can come of rubbing bear cubs on yourselves! No good at all! And if you ask me...

    Yay for obscure references and absolutely awesome dreams.
