Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Monday, October 22, 2012


He grabbed the back of Angela's neck and pulled her in. The hot breath of the standing bus blew across the lover's ankles as Anglela was worked over like a well-written manuscript. He knew what he was doing, or so her friends said. He was a really good kisser. He knew what to do with his lips. Angela had no basis for comparison.

Shea walked by. Dan and Ted hooted. Marguerite pressed her nose against the glass. He looked really intent and then Angela remembered to close her eyes.
In the annals of history, it wasn't the worst first, but it was hers.


  1. This was supremely awkward to read, for me.

    It feels like reality, I guess, like a private thing I shouldn't see until I know her well.

    So, you know, good job.

    I'm a bit confused about the standing bus.

  2. Something I saw today. Two high schoolers who didn't give a fart if god saw.

  3. That's depressing.

    How much is it worth if you only aren't doing it because of some divine peeping Tom?

  4. Ditto on the awkward. Meg Cabot would be so proud.

    (Also. Good lord, Marguerite. Didn't your parents teach you better?)

  5. Definitely awkward, but seeing as you say it comes from high schoolers, that makes perfect sense.

  6. Anyway they were out there in the bus line making out. I thought it was a moment worth saving.
