Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Thursday, January 7, 2010


This is a "creative" writing course, not a "writing" course, so I'll try to be creative. SIDE NOTE before the creativity: I'll try to update this more often, because there is NO LIMIT to the number of wonky things you can write when you're trying to be creative.

He tripped on his tie. His coat dragged on the floor. His feet slid in his shoes. His hat obscured his vision.
He looked like Dad.


  1. Good luck with being creative. I'd like to see if you really can write something creative every single day. I don't, but then again, I'm not that creative. Yeah, have fun with that.

  2. Wait a second-- Rodney Rathbone? As in my favorite character from "Adventures in Odyssey"? Why? Do you also have "places to go, people to beat up, and problems to cause"?

  3. No. As in:
    Rodney Rathbone, thin and cheating,
    combing out his orange batwing.
    He is strange forevermore,
    "For I am Rodney Rathbone."

    It's a poem I wrote in church one time. The choice did not come from AoO, but it might have been influenced by it somewhat (somewhere in my subconscious.) I was called Rodney by my family for a long time before the appellation "Rathbone."

  4. Ahh, okay. I like it. Still, I have to say, Rodney Rathbone from AiO was pretty awesome. Shakespeare asks "what's in a name?" The answer is, of course, a multitude of things. Subconscious stuff is pretty awesome; my dreams are always so much fun.
