Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Monday, April 5, 2010


I returned to the room hours later. It was exactly the same as before. It was quiet.

She bounced out of the closet behind me and sprayed silly string all over me. "Happy Birthday! I know it's a week late, but it's the best I could do!"
She stopped talking when she saw the tears on my face. "What's wrong?"

"I'm leaving you." I paused. "That's why I came by."

She left. I sat in the silly string and cried for hours.


  1. That's depressing. It has nothing to do with reality, right? 'Cause it sounds deep and honest.

  2. After I posted it, I realized it sounded like a backhanded compliment, when all I meant was compliment.

  3. No, it's alright. And it's not real. AND I just wanted to use the phrase "He sat in the sillystring and cried for hours."

  4. I HATE THIS. You have ruined silly string for me forever.

  5. Haha, I was just going to say, "nice last line" and then I read your comment. But I'm still going to say it cause I really do like it. But why does he come by her room and she's in the closet? How long has she been hiding there?? Or did I just read it wrong? Maybe I should scroll back up and read it again...

  6. "He sat in the silly string and cried for hours."

    Reminds me of a clown, now that you mention it...

  7. I'm guessing she called him, or she sent him away to get something or something dumb to get him out of the room. Stuff that you do for surprise parties. They're rarely as surprising as they want to be.
    Sorry Katy.

  8. Your explanation makes no sense. Mine does. (right?)

    1. he is with her and realizes he doesn't want to be
    2. he leaves to get some space
    3. he returns to break up

    1. she is with him and realizes she needs to rekindle the fire
    2. she remembers his birthday and makes plans after he leaves
    3. she gets her heart broken

    Yay for my imagination. If I saw silly string right now, I'd probably start crying. Bad imagination, bad.
