Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Saturday, April 24, 2010


This morning, I wrote an epic poem about socks/loss. I fell into rhyme without trying to. Here are a few of the better rhymes that I thought were worth texting to my sister (and thus are saved).

The sky took offence
and did strike him but twice
--no small matter--
with softballs of ice.

. . .
He never finished his task
so the sky struck them both.

"Both?" You might ask.
"From whence did the second man come?"
Well, sit still, stop your fidgeting.
I'll tell you, my son.


  1. Yes, I think this is fantastic. I thought so yesterday when you told me during breakfast at the church. I do think you could do your own Van Arsdale type of Seuss of stuff. :D

  2. I wish I could read the whole thing. Must have been some poem!

  3. Sadly, the whole thing is lost in the mists of time, because I was just making it up on the fly.
