Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


This morning, I finished my 10 page paper. I went to print it and printed 2 copies because "I'm a good student." I actually mouthed those words to myself when I pressed "print" the second time.

The papers came out crisp and clean.
22 pages with works cited, written and finalized and printed by me.

I got to class. The assignment called for 2 copies of the paper.

I slowly mouthed "I'm a good student."


  1. I'm so glad I helped you realize that you are a good student. :D

  2. Ha ah ha ha ha. :(

    This was weird for me. I usually don't mess up like that. God has got my back, I guess.

  3. Wait, how did you mess up? I must be missing something... Anyway, I'd give anything to be done my 10 page paper right now. Tomorrow, tomorrow...

  4. He didn't realize he NEEDED two copies. That's all.

    Good luck!
