Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


True story:
Last night, the fog spoke to me, so I took my accordion and played outside. It was awesome, so minor keys and improvisation for me it was.

This evening, a girl friends me. She's in choir, so I figure why not? Her status update:

Sometimes I do very weird things. It's nice to know that they do have an impact. Most people just look at me funny and go on with their lives. I would like to be remembered. I would like to seem weird. I am weird. I am weird.


  1. Hahaha, LOVE the fb conversation! I didn't know you played accordion. That's so cool! I always wanted my aunt to teach me how, but that never happened.

  2. That is wonderful, and it reminds me of the death of the Oxford comma (which shall not die as long as it lives in the hearts of those who knew and loved it).

  3. She commented again: LOL! YES! I love that! Robby, that's awesome! Everyone who commented on this should check out that site!

    Because I linked to this site.
    My life is fun.

  4. I'm glad you enjoy your life. Yay Robby!

  5. Hmmm... and how did you convince them to let you keep the bear?
