Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I'm not keeping up well. The breath comes in ragged gasps. My hands pump twice as fast as my feet. All I can see is the runner in front of me. I put on an extra burst of speed, passing the only person in view and losing sight completely.

Fourty seconds later, I wake up wearing a victor's medal, surrounded by crowds.

[fact: I have passed out while running before]
[fact: I did not enjoy it]
[fact: I will not be doing it again]
[fact: I was in the best physical condition of my life and I ran up heartattack hill at camp and passed out forty feet from my goal, and woke up when I felt the light pole between my hands. It was the most weird, surreal experience of my life. It's like my brain shut off all unnecessary functions.]


  1. I have never passed out. I hope I never do.

    Take care of yourself.

  2. Yes, passing out is NOT fun. Doing it four times in a row because you didn't realize that you'd fainted the first time and kept trying to get up is also not fun.

    That's all I'm going to say on that topic.

  3. Wow. I think you win, Ashlee. That . . . okay. You win.

  4. Ashlee definitely wins. But passing out after being shot at close range by a friend with a BB gun isn't very fun either.

  5. Also, that happened two weeks ago on Sabbath.

    @Ali: Oh, wow, that doesn't sound fun either!

  6. This thread is fascinating to me because I was there to helplessly try to help Ashlee and got to read the account of Ali and the BB gun.

    Maybe you guys should start a club. Carry smelling salts, or something.

    Also, I'm glad my own medical issues have been in a different vein (see what I did there? I made a pun!).

  7. Great pun! Ick, I hate veins.

  8. Sorry, y'all. I never sleep enough.^_^
