Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Friday, February 11, 2011


I'm sure I'm making a bigger deal of it than I should. I mean, it's only a letter, right? But I can't seem to sit myself down and force the pen across the paper. I don't tell anyone. The chore just goes without end for days and days. Finally, another letter comes. I haven't responded to the first! What am I supposed to be, a machine? I can't do everything.

So now I have five letters on my desk, an hour to burn, and nothing to write about.
My mother will have to wait a little longer.

P.S. I am a horrible son.


  1. This is something weird with which I have been struggling. With some people, I talk constantly and never have enough time to say what I want to say. With other people, I mostly listen, and when they ask, I can never think of anything to say. Like in this, my mother is one of those other people. There are other categories/factors in there, too, because relationships are complicated and messy and ugh.

    But then I get lonely. So. I don't know; there must be a balance in there somewhere.

    But seriously. How bad a son am I that I don't write my ma? Probably pretty horrible.

  3. Worse than some, better than others.

    You committed to this blog . . . just commit to her.
    Problem solved.

  4. It happens. And she understands. (I haven't talked to my mom in almost two weeks. She called several times, but I just haven't had time--and when I have had time, I've wanted to see Curtis or play poker or put things on my wall instead.) Maybe you could write you mom nothing. You could just say, Hi. I love you. and put a stamp on it. I don't know . . . I'm sure she'd appreciate it.

  5. I like Brooke's solution. That's what I do with my parents.

  6. robby, in the case of YOUR mom, you are awful lol. it all depends on the relationship though. I, for example, don't talk to my mother unless I absolutely have to, because we are not friends.
