Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Her lips were so shiny. How much lipgloss did she just put on? Have they been this shiny all day? How often does she reapply? What brand does she use? Was she doing it just so I would look? Why did it work?
These questions get me nowhere, so I lean back and avoid whispering sweet nothings in her ear.


  1. I know this feeling. I feel a little ridiculous always telling you you capture things almost exactly as I wish I could. It's true, though.

    You're very, very good.

    This sort of thing always reminds me of what Spock says to T'Pring and Stonn in "Amok Time": "After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true."

  2. The difference between my writing and your writing is that 'm not afraid people will ask me what it means. And if that's not true, you do a cunning impression of terror. Or whatever. That all came out much more derogatory than I meant for it.

  3. Huh. I can't tell whether that's insightful or not.

    You really aren't? What does that mean?

    I think perhaps I'm proving your point. What I really want to know is, do I say or explain too much or too little?

  4. I feel like your comment of question marks answers itself.

    1. Nonsense. There are no answers.

    2. You're not afraid people will ask you what your means, but you're afraid to actually give them answers. I think that's partially because you don't know and partially because you don't want to know.

      I don't believe it came out more derogatorily than you meant it to. And that's fine.

  5. On some level, all writers are a little anxious when someone else reads what he or she has written.

    This is also a very good piece. I like it.

  6. It does answer itself in that you ask if you provide answers. And you don't provide any. You just ask questions. Three of them.

  7. How am I supposed to answer questions that haven't been asked?

  8. I apparently contributed nothing to this conversation. :D

  9. That's fine, Ashlee. I'm not sure either of us have either. (That's an awkward sentence I'm not sure how to fix.)

    JANELLE STOP BEING HOPELESSLY OBFUSCATED. You answer questions that haven't been asked by TELLING people things, and you know that, and I don't know why you asked me other than to continue a string of questions that leads to the pit of doom and back.

  10. To the pit of doom and back. Is that related in any small way to taking the Ring to Mount Doom? (Probably not.) Anyway, this has been just fascinating.

  11. I think it is in fact related to Mount Doom, but I can't be sure.
