Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


When he had finished examining every angle of the building, he walked back around to the front porch and sat down on the step. Sunlight filtered down through the trees and speckled his lap. Catlike, he lay down and shut his eyes.
More than an hour later, a car crunched up the gravel drive and pulled to an unsteady stop. She got out, legs first. He sat up to watch her walk.
"Hey, silly. You forget your keys?" she called.
"No, just waiting for you."
She reached out a hand to pull him up, but he pulled her down. She landed with a slump.
He breathed in, long, through his nose. "This is a first for me, you know. I've waited for a long time to say this."
She smiled. "What, you've been here long?"
He goosed her good. "You know what I mean."
She giggled.
He stood up, dusting his pants like men do in movies. He reached down an pulled her up with him, so they could stare at the house together.
She turned to him confidentially. "So, what have you been waiting for for so long?"
"This," he said. "Welcome home."
With that, he opened the door of his house and took his wife inside and left his trees to shade his yard without him.


  1. Why are you still up? (Rhetorical question, I suppose.)

    This made me smile. It reminds me of sunlight and a breeze.

    (Does anyone get out of a car not legs first?)

  2. I think it's more about the fact that he noticed.

  3. Oh, I really like this. It reminds me of camp, somehow. Sunlight filtering through leaves, everything bright and breezy and warm.

    I also wondered about the "legs first" but then I figured, well, the POV is a guy, so he would notice her legs, especially if it's an interest or a girlfriend or a wife (and I turned out to be right!).

  4. Thanks.
    Yeah, it was a subtle way of telling you about the characters?

  5. I'm pretty sure you wrote this just so you could use the phrase "he goosed her good". ^_^

    It's lovely. And gosh darn it, I can't wait!!
