Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


[I got into the accent. I sent in two pseudo poems that are super twenty first century (Scarmarella was one) and neither made it in. The others, about first kisses and about chalk, got in. I suppose I'm either ahead or behind the time? Anyway, the things I knew would be more popular were more popular.]

I can feel my body. My chest feels pain; my heart--. All of it seems at a standstill.


  1. Congratulations to you! Of course you did. By "accent," do you mean "Legacy"?

    I don't think the problem is being ahead or behind times; I think it's related to your way of thinking.

    The stuff you wrote after . . . I can relate.

  2. Yep. Sorry. Legacy. I've done that three times in the last week. You would think I would learn.

  3. Why would you? It's not terribly important. Like knowing that the Earth revolves around the Sun will not change one's life much more than assuming it goes around and around the garden like a teddy bear . . .

  4. Thank you, Sherlock.
    Still, there's a value in being exact. It makes it easier to synthesize.

    ALSO, Encyclopedia Brown is probably a better PERSON than Sherlock Holmes.

  5. There is indeed a value in being exact, but everybody knew what you meant, anyway.

    Encyclopedia Brown had fewer opportunities to see the world's sadness than Sherlock Holmes did. Also, Encyclopedia Brown was a child. Also also, you're probably right.

  6. Encyclopedia Brown was awesome. I read those as a kid.
