Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Monday, October 24, 2011


I think I shot a man in my sleep tonight but my head left the matter unclear. It was as if I didn't need to know or that my head began to show how I never ever really know the whys of all my woe. My head (it said, for it knew best) that I was an inconstant show. "What's that?" (I said, to my head) "Inconstant me? I'm trustworthy. I'm faithful, if I'm slow. I never go from friends I know nor shoot the friends I don't!" "There's the problem! There, you see!!" (it said, a rebuttal from my aching head) and an idea took up to grow. Perhaps my head has never said if the man was dead because I ought to know that it doesn't mean a gosh darn thing if my head should cover o'er the whole darn show in a single go or ever tell if he fell by my hand or another man because the [ ] I ought to know is that my head's the pro.
Dreams are best for all the rest. I'll stick to the sleep I know.

I think I shot a man in my sleep tonight,
but my head left the matter unclear.
It was as if I didn't need to know
or that my head began to show
how I never ever really know
the whys of all my woe.

My head (it said, for it knew best)
that I was an inconstant show.
"What's that?" (I said, to my head)
"Inconstant me? I'm trustworthy.
I'm faithful, if I'm slow.
I never go from friends I know
nor shoot the friends I don't!"
"There's the problem! There, you see!!"
(it said, rebuttal from my aching head)
and an idea took up to grow.
Perhaps my head has never said
if the man was dead because I ought to know
that it doesn't mean
a gosh darn thing
if my head should cover o'er
the whole darn show
in a single go
or ever tell
if he fell
by my hand
or another man
because the [ ]
I ought to know
is that my head's the pro.

Dreams are best for all the rest. I'll stick to the sleep I know.


  1. Breaking Bad invaded my dreams and Byron invaded my waking. The result is something as terrifying as either.

    Also: I can taste the waffles from last night in my indigestion.
    Tonight's gonna be a good night.

  2. Aww this is kind of adorable but please get some rest.

  3. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! oh jeez robby, that waffles comment cracked me up hahahaha. This is a pretty cool poem though.

  4. You're welcome. It started as prose with rhyme and then fell into a rhythm. I don't suppose I want it to be a poem. It's just prose with rhythm and rhyme.

  5. Haha this reminds me of that argument people were having at Bible study about whether people could be Christians if they don't call themselves Christians.

    Philip and Curtis, I submit the Robby-not-a-poem.
