Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Coy. Careful. Cautious.
I asked her if I could hold her hand. It was cold out and the stars we were staring at were sharp and clear and cut through the dark like ribbons of light from heaven. I asked soft, under my breath, sucked in air, and watched as her own curled up through the cold.
"Is it alright if I hold your hand?"
She pulled off her glove and held her palm up and giggled when my icy fingers laced through her soft warm ones.
I was probably wiser than she was.

Cautious. Crippled. Cut.
I asked her if I could hold her hand. It was hot out and the sun was beating down warm and smooth and full. It blanketed us in layers of glory. I asked soft, under my breath, sucked in air, and watched her hold hers as sweat not caused by heat grew on my forehad.
"Is it alright if I hold your hand?"
She angled her shoulder away from me and laced her fingers together in her lap and said to me that it probably wasn't a good idea.
She was probably wiser than I was.


  1. But I don't think it's a sad story. Please don't read it as a sad story.

    It's just right.

  2. I don't think it's sad. I like the juxtaposition of cold and hot.

  3. It was something that just happened, you know? And I dislike how it did, but I guess I'm that person, so you can punch yourself in the mouth, David Foster Wallace. Symbolism is king I guess.

  4. I like it. Robby, you may write sad things sometimes, but they're always so good when you do.

    Guys (meaning Janelle and Rob)...I'm really excited by this thing I have going on with this awesome human, on my end, and I wanted to share it, and I'm taking up Robby's space to do it...but it's so easy, and amazing, and you people over on the other side of the country seem to get things like that really well. So I'm hiding it here.

  5. Good. I wrote that thing and then you stopped commenting and I figured you just didn't want to read it or something.
    P.S. Lyssa: if there's one thing I learned, it's to not be afraid of a good thing. It's much better to have pain than regret. Pain just hurts. Regret is cancer; it grows.

    I'm sure that this prospective awesome human being will be juuuuuuust right. :)

  6. Oh Lyssa, I am so so so excited for you and the possibilities. I hope everything is right.

  7. @ Lyssa, basically what robby said. The pain vs regret arguement is spot on.

    @ Robby, does it make me twisted that I laughed a little when I read this one? :P
