Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Saturday, October 8, 2011


The Bible says "thou shalt not covet," but what it feels like is "keep trying, kid. You'll never stop wanting what you can't have. Go ahead. Beat your head against a wall. You're set up for failure. If you get it let me know." What it feels like is "shut up and sit down, idiot. I give you things on my own time, in my own way, and it would be best if you just developed a pinch of patience and waited for a split second." What it feels like is "I'm going to give everybody else what you want and then tell you to not want it. Have fun." What it feels like is watching the girl in front of me text the boy she refers to as "My Nathan <3" and wondering why she exists geographically two feet from me, but the idea of her is miles off.

"My Nathan <3."


  1. Try "You may think that all of those things will make you happy, but in reality this Guy, the One who knit you in your mother's womb, the One who knows how many hairs are on your head, the One who calls you His son, knows exactly what you need, what you want, what your true heart desires. So let it go, and find joy in surprises."

  2. I know that place. It's a sick feeling deep in your stomach. I'm sorry, Rob.

  3. It's a tremendously annoying thing to have happen in the middle of church, though.

    I wonder when I'll be over it.

    @Olivine: yup. Sadly, knowing it doesn't make my wantss any easier to overcome :C

  4. I don't know; I can't really think of a better place than church.
