Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Thursday, November 8, 2012


His big, glassy eyes looked up at her through the dimness. She rubbed his ear and he barked, loud. The sound of it filled the woods.
She hauled her shotgun back up to her shoulder and kept walking, hoping that the dog would stay silent and stop scaring away all the game. Her stomach rumbled and churned. She knew that today was the breaking point that decided whether she went insane or starved to death. If she couldn't feed herself and the dog on what she shot today, one of them would have to go. It wouldn't be her; but if he went, her mind would.


  1. No! Sad. Please tell me the dog stayed quiet and she found some game...

  2. Utterly heartbreaking, but also why no snares or fishing, and why can't she just tie him up at camp?

    I assume no berries nor roots because winter?

  3. Wow. This is just sad. But I hope the best for her. And the dog.

    (For some odd reason I also thought of Katniss and Peeta.)

  4. It's a moral dilemma. It's close to as good as the moral dilemma in Wreck it Ralph, which played the dilemma card harder than any movie I've lately seen.

  5. Interesting.

    I guess I really am like Kirk.

  6. Although, it's true. Nobody every said there were only two options.

  7. See that is exactly the thing because people like choosing between two options, and we set up false dichotomies all the time, but the truth is there is almost never only two possibilities and often a little thought and creativity makes a better solution come into being.

    I think so, anyway, but then again, I don't believe in no-win scenarios.

  8. I forgot grammar in the previous comment.
