Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Monday, November 12, 2012


I've got toothpaste in my mouth, but she kisses me anyway. She said I always kiss like it's the last time I'll ever see her, and since she said that I always try to live up to the hype. My parents walk in because they heard the noise and all dad can think to say is "Why don't you spit so we can talk about what just happened?" Well anyway, what does dad know about being me? Not like he was ever young.


  1. That's kind of weirdly adorable.

    I just stumbled across a Canadian television show on Netflix about two eighteen-year-olds who live next to each other and get married but still live in separate houses and communicate by pulley system because they're still dependents.

    I say this because a) you can find real treasures on Netflix and b) this reminds me of that, somehow.

  2. That is gross and I would not kiss someone with a mouth full of mint paste, old food, and saliva. You have ruined two things for me: tooth brushing and kissing. Great.
