Dance in the Full Moon

O, the Frailty of Memory

Sunday, November 25, 2012


I can see why the Greeks likened her hair to snakes. It's certainly wild enough, but you can tell they didn't look closely. I can understand why they might give her fangs. She's certainly mean enough, but her incisors don't strike fear. I can comprehend why they might say a man's heart would stop beating, but stone? No. Just love.


  1. I like this. It subverts the myth while still upholding it. I mean, beauty is dangerous, danger is beautiful (for some). It's dangerous to love Medusa, but people apparently haven't gone deep enough to know the real her.

    I like.

  2. Thanks.
    I think Medusa is one of the more fascinating concepts the Greeks fabricated.

  3. Why love someone mean?
    When has love ever made someone-- what, immobile? Love is a motivator, not a paralytic. Cold? Love heats, burns. Experience a living death-- well, perhaps.

    I suppose this makes Medusa untamable and honest and beautiful for being herself? In equal parts loved and hated for bein what others do not dare to be, like someone else I know?
